Sunday 27th October 2013
Funding has been awarded to our partner Border Crossings for the second Origins: Festival of First Nations by Arts Council England, and for the associated Participation and Learning project by the Heritage Lottery Fund.
"Beautiful, clever, charming."
(Yr 6 teacher, Rhodes Avenue Primary School, N11)
"The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves & had wonderful ideas for interpretation.
In December 2010 and 2011, we facilitated two more end-of-term celebrations for Toynbee Hall's Aspire project. These events present an opportunity for participants to recap Citizenship themes explored during the term and focus on the topic they each find most meaningful.
Aspire works with Year 9 (13-14 year olds) students from various schools across East London, encouraging them to actively engage with their learning and life opportunities. The Aspire students are referred to the project because they fall into the category of ‘excluded within school rather than from school’.