Holocaust Education through the Arts

Polygon Arts is delivering a scheme of work over a period of 7 weeks (half a term), offering a variety of arts-based lessons (using drama, photography, poetry, visual arts) examining different aspects of the Holocaust, encouraging participants to draw out themes that have resonance with their own lives. We are partnering with One One Five Secondary Support Unit (London Borough of Camden).


Participants are encouraged to produce original creative responses and at the end of the project will present these to their peers at the PRU and other young people from across their borough in a local venue. Through their artwork and adding their own voices they will be speaking out to their peers against discrimination and labels.


Programme content includes:

* Jewish life in Europe before WW2 / * Historical context of the Holocaust / * Meeting a Holocaust Survivor / * Case studies / * Resistance and Survival / * Nazi use of propaganda / * contemporary media use of labels / * developing participants’ ‘critical eye’ on the media / * as participants are labeled ‘excluded’ - questioning which other groups are labeled today / * challenging stereotypes


Through participating in this project, students will also have the opportunity to earn the Bronze Arts Award (a nationally recognised arts qualification www.artsaward.org.uk).


Resources will soon be available to download from our website for other teachers wishing to engage learners in this sensitive subject through the arts.