
Polygon Arts exists to encourage Active Citizenship through drama. Our programs give participants space to explore and express their identity and confidence to recognise and embrace their role in society.

We have a team of highly skilled and experienced educators who take the company's enthusiasm, energy and ethos beyond the stage. We deliver a wide repertoire of workshops and educational programmes which are specially geared to participants with English as an Additional Language (EAL) and are suitable for groups of all ages, abilities, beliefs and backgrounds. We can shape an educational programme to suit your requirements, from one-off visits to a series of workshops.

Our themed workshops have been developed to meet National Curriculum guidelines and explore issues as diverse as: Political Literacy, Active Citizenship, Personal Identity, Tolerance/Race Relations, Conflict Resolution, Peer Pressure, Reflection and Prayer, Language and Communication.

We offer sessions to support INSET days, helping teachers explore new techniques and resources for teaching their subjects and especially PSHE and Citizenship. We also lead skills workshops in the following areas: Physical Theatre, Image Theatre, Mime, Music, Storytelling and Masks.
